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Sandy Hook
United States


Sheepskin 12


What else do you get for the person who has everything?   (After you get them a Sepe Farm Blanket, get them A Sepe Farm Sheepskin!

These sheepskins are saved and meticulously preserved at our farm before being sent to the tannery.  They come back tanned, cleaned, and fulled - and are so fluffy you just want to curl up on one the minute you see it.

Put one:



 - On the back of your couch

 - On a favorite chair

 - On the floor in the bedroom
   (so it's the first thing your feet hit in the morning)

 - On the end of your bed



Sepe Farm Sheepskins come in white or natural colored (which range from dark brown to black to gray).  Sheepskins are all approximately 8 square feet, so the general dimensions are 2 1/2 feet by 3 1/2 feet.  Since they are a natural product, no two are alike and of course none are exactly rectangles! 

Sheepskin 12

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Sheepskin 12



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