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Sandy Hook
United States


Sheep Shearing Service

About our Shearing Service


Thanks for a great shearing season!

Shearing begins as soon as the weather breaks (typically March) and continues until the end of May.  

We have very limited availability after June 1st, as we get very busy with our own farm and other projects. Each engagement is a special trip and out-of-season rates apply.

While sheep shearing is our specialty, our service also includes shearing for llamas, alpacas, and fiber goats.  With over 20 years of experience, we can also help with hoof trimming or other management practices if you desire.

Erin and the crew work mostly in Connecticut, but shear on special occasions in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and on Long Island, NY.

In addition to production shearing, we also offer educational demonstrations at Zoos, Fairs, and Farm Events.  

For the best shearing experience, please read our Shearing Preparation page.